Apex Recreation League – Scoring

Regular Season (3 Games Per Week)

Points are scored through kills, placement, and bounties. All kills are 1 point

Game 1

PlacementPlacement Points
First Blood2

Game 2

PlacementPlacement Points
Game 1 Champion Wipe8
Chump Squad Wipe4
First Blood2

Game 3

PlacementPlacement Points
Game 2 Champion Wipe7
Chump Squad Wipe3
First Blood2


Champion Squad Wipe: In games 2 and 3, the champion squad from the previous game receives the Spotlight. Once the champion squad lands, the commentators will begin spectating them via stream. This means that if you choose to tune in, you can get intel on the champion squad’s location. Of course there will be a delay on the stream, so you will only be able to use the information to predict where the champion squad will be. Whoever eliminates the last player on the champion squad, leading to a team wipe, receives the bounty points. The Spotlight will stay on the champion squad until they are eliminated. If the champion squad splits up, one of the team members will be chosen at random to take the Spotlight. This pattern will continue until the champion squad is eliminated

Example: It’s game 3 and you find the last player on the previous champion squad ratting in a building. You eliminate the player, leading to a team wipe. You are awarded 1 point for killing the player and 5 points for the bounty, adding to 6 points total

Chump Squad Wipe: In games 2 and 3, whoever is in last place when starting each game via the live scoreboard (this is last place in the round/week, not necessarily last place in the previous game) is labeled the Chump Squad and will have a bounty placed on them. Same rules apply as the champion wipe: you must eliminate the last player on the team, leading to a team wipe. The Spotlight won’t be on the chump squad nearly as much as the champion squad, but audio cues will be given to players that disclose the Chump Squad’s location

First Blood: First blood is simple: whichever team gets the first full kill on an opponent will receive 2 points on top of the point for the kill.

Where is the spotlight during game 1 and after the champion squad is wiped?
ZooZoo commentators will tune-in to different battles and events happening around the map during the game. There is no specific order to this: we will focus on the major battles happening and get up close on the juicy stuff. We are not “anti-rat,” we do not expose people who are hiding as part of their strategy. We simply like to give the viewers a fun watching experience. This does allow for potential stream sniping capabilities, so be prepared for anything!

Elimination Round

During an elimination round, the scoring is the same as regular play, but there are no bounty points

Final Round (ALGS Style) & Single Day Tournaments

During the final round, scoring is different:

-All kills still worth 1 point
-Placement points remain the same every game until a champion is crowned:

PlacementPlacement Points